Pletena predvrvica za suhe muhe TRAUN RIVER Grayling Special Leader | 0,14 mm
Pletena predvrvica za suhe muhe TRAUN RIVER Grayling Special Leader | 0,14 mm
TRAUN RIVER Grayling Special Leader
You will have noticed that longer finer leaders and light tippets are necessary when dry fly fishing for wary species, such as Grayling, on clear days. This induced us to develope the Grayling Special Leader.
By precisely balancing the seperate sections of the Grayling Special we have produced a very accurate leader with excellent turn over qualities. It doesn‘t matter if you fish with small dry flies or the smallest midges, with the Grayling Special you will notice the difference. The shock absorbing section in the butt part of the leader is a cushion against breaking very fine tippets. You can of course use this leader for wary Trout as well. Emergers and weighted nymphs that do not have to be fished too deeply also pose no problem for the Grayling Special.
Length: 305 cm / 10 ft
Tippet diameter: 0,14 mm
Connection: Loop-to-Loop
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