PVA sistem Korda Original Funnelweb PVA System | 7 metrov
PVA sistem Korda Original Funnelweb PVA System | 7 metrov
Funnelweb PVA System
Funnelweb's main function is to create a PVA bag of any size in the shortest time possible - it can be made in less than 30 seconds leaving any other system for dust. Funnel Web minimises wasted PVA making it the most cost-effective PVA bag system ever made. If you are not using it in your carp fishing, you're missing out!
Once you have used all your PVA you should not throw away your system. Simply buy a Funnel Web refill pack and thread another 5m or 10m. The refills are available in HEXMESH or MICROMESH when you’re using tiny baits in 5m or 20m lengths. Each refill is colour coded to match the correct PVA system.
…Boilies - chopped or whole, small or large. It's better than a stringer because it allows the baits to spread as it melts and not end up in a line. It's a great way to feed light baits much further than you can with a catapult.
…Chum mixers which will go up to 40 metres when a Funnel Web bag of them is catapulted ,especially if you add a dry stone to the bag before tying for extra weight.
…Pellets, especially trout, salmon pellets and carp pellets. Basically, as long as it's dry on the surface it will go in the Funnel Web. It can be used with damp mixes like groundbait and Solar Bag Mix. Even particles such as Tiger Nuts, Maples and Hemp, providing that they have been mixed with salty water, can be used in the Funnel Web.
> več informacij: http://www.korda.co.uk/fishingtackle/pva-systems/funnelweb-pva-system/
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